Have you started to think about finding some RV Christmas Decorations? Because the most beautiful part of the year is just around the corner.
If you live in your RV full-time and want to create a great holiday cheer, or you plan to take your camper out over the Christmas holiday, then keep reading about some great camper Christmas decorations.
Don’t worry, decorating your RV for Christmas isn’t very different from decorating a typical house. It’s right up there with Halloween camper decorations. You’ll have to adjust to the smaller space before using any of the decorations suggested.
Camper Christmas decorations are definitely easy to find, and I’ll make it even easier with the list below. They go above and beyond the basic campsite decorating ideas.
Be sure to read to the very end to learn about a few words of advice from fellow RV owners.

1. Christmas Ornaments
May it be for your tiny Christmas tree, or for available hooks around, hanging RV Christmas ornaments is always a great way to get into the holiday spirit. They don’t require much space and can be hung almost anywhere.
Make it super easy with simple command hooks that you can connect to any RV wall.
Simple ornaments aren’t too pricey and often come in sets. Now if you’d like some RV-themed ornaments, you can check out some of these.
Happy Camper ornament and Resin Camper ornament, or this one from Hallmark.
2. Decorative Pillows
Do you have and sofa or couch in your RV Christmas decor? Then check out these decorative pillows.
These small decorative pillows are pretty practical because, unlike other holiday decor, pillows have a use.
3. Inflatable Snowmen
When you set up for RV camping, you can be the RVer with a decorated campsite. Why not buy the inflatable snowmen? Kids will definitely love this one and it’s a great background for photos.
These inflatable snowmen self-inflate when plugged in a standard electrical outlet with a built-in blower, so you won’t have a hard time setting up at all.
4. Small Christmas Tree
When it comes to Christmas trees, you have no choice but to compromise with small-sized ones in a camper.
Something like this small RV Christmas tree is a perfect fit for your RV dining area.
5. Faux Wreath
What better way to bring out the Christmas cheer than a Christmas wreath? If you’re looking for a simple camper Christmas decor, then get a faux wreath for practicality. Just make sure that it’s still pretty to look at.
I like this faux wreath with light and dark green tones, making it look natural and very vibrant.
6. Christmas Lights
Surround your camp with Christmas lights to add to your outdoor RV Christmas decorations. It adds a nice edge to your area in addition to those inflatable snowmen I recommended.
If you don’t have Christmas lights in your RV, you can settle for the usual lights you use when camping. For us, it’s the rope lights that change colors like this one, one of the camper gadgets we love.
For indoors, you might want to choose the fairy lights-look like this one.
7. Classic Stockings
Add to the anticipation by hanging stockings on the edge of your beds (works best with kids!), or on a door hook. Or grab some command hooks that work well on RV walls for your Christmas decor.
8. Santa Hats For Everyone
How about coordinating your outfits for Christmas just by adding one piece?
You can get this classic Santa hat OR a literal Santa hat with the design of Santa’s legs upside down.
9. Reindeer Headbands
If you’re tired of Santa hats, then you might want to check these reindeer headbands out. They don’t take up much space and make for some fun.
Most Christmas season-themed headbands come in sets, like this one. But you can also buy some with specific designs. Check out this elf headband!
10. Stickers
A simple and fun way to have the kids help out is to let them create homemade Christmas cards while using Christmas-themed stickers.
You can find 50 pc waterproof stickers like this one, or even a 100 pc waterproof set like this.
You can also find reusable stickers online, or sticker rolls with neat patterns. These make for fun decorating to do with kids.
11. Jar of Candy Canes
What are the most popular candies for Christmas? That’s right, candy canes;
You can buy a small box of candy canes with the original shape like this one from Brachs, or the ones that come in a round shape and use them to bring the holiday spirit into your RV.
I suggest that you use your own mason jar, which we mentioned as an RV kitchen essential, instead of the plastic that comes with the candies. This way, you can limit the amount of candy intake every day. And jars are also much prettier to look at.
If you have no empty jars to use, you can also buy candies that come in plastic jars.
12. Mistletoe
For the romanticists out there, don’t miss the chance to hang a mistletoe somewhere inside the RV. It’s very easy to install and you’ll only need one.
13. Snowglobe
This one will be a little challenging. Snow globes are really nice decorations for the holiday season, but you’ll have to find a way to display it without having the risk of it falling down and breaking.
Some ideas I have is finding a transparent container to hold it, or keeping it in one of your drawers then display it once you’ve parked the RV.
Check out this pristine North Pole snow globe that will perfectly fit a white Christmas theme or this Musical Rotating Santa snow globe.
14. Gift Boxes
Take some empty boxes, wrap them in Christmas wrappers, then tada — you have yourself some decorative gift boxes that you can place anywhere in our outside the RV.
This is a very simple and practical approach but I bet kids will love it.
15. Ribbons
Lastly, improvise with red and green ribbons. You can decorate the RV with them and then use the extra for gift wrapping.
You can put some ribbons on your cabinet handles, on your doorknobs, or around random jars in the kitchen.
Basically, anything wrapped in colors red and green gives off the feeling of holidays so it’ll definitely work.
Tips From Other RV Owners During The Holidays
As I was writing this blog post I decided to reach out to my email list and ask what tips you all had when it came to decorating your RV for Christmas. Here are a few of the responses I got.
My suggestion for one decoration is to get a tree. It doesn’t matter how big it is – but intent can go a long way. My other suggestion, especially with little ones, is to leave out Christmas cookies for Santa, perhaps under that tree.
‘Santas helper’
Alexis from Never Say Someday
We got a little Christmas tree with battery-operated lights for our rig, and then changed the letter board. We also put up any holiday cards from family and friends, and of course, our Elf on the Shelf makes an appearance!
I love Alexis’s suggestion to bring out the Elf of the Shelf. It’s such a great way to get into the holiday spirit in a small space, even in a van or RV.
In December of 2019 our family spent Christmas in Malaysia. The two things we brought with us overseas in our suitcase was our family’s personalized Christmas ornament and our Elf on a Shelf.
I love how you can create the Christmas (or holiday) spirit with just a few simple things.
Other ways to prepare for Christmas in your RV
As you’re thinking ahead to Christmas, I’m sure there’s more than decorating that you’re trying to prepare for. That is why I wanted to share with you some other useful posts that can help you during this time of year.
Check out our list of the Best RV Gifts for RV Owners to get your shopping done.
Learn about some ways to cook a holiday meal in your RV kitchen here.
Find some great camping gifts for kids here.
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